

Mr. Bishop Anthony Theodore Lobo (Late) - Founder
Mr. Peter Misquita - Principal
Ms. Seema Naiyer - Vice Principal

Our Story

“quis ut deus” as appears on the badge of st. Michael’s is pronounced as “michae-el”- meaning “who is like god”. The monogram portrays st. Michael slaying the dragon of evil, with the sword. 
St. Michael’s Convent School was founded in the year 1986 with the vision and mission to provide education at the highest standards while being all inclusive, catering to students from all walks of life and all the localities of the city. 
Bishop Anthony Lobo, who after serving as the Principal of St Lawrence’s School for Boys, Karachi, was serving as the Principal of St Patrick’s High School. Bishop Lobo saw the need to establish St. Michael’s Convent School as to complement the blooming growth of Karachi as the city expanded outwards and upwards. Groundbreaking and construction began in 1984-5, and the school started functioning in 1986. The first day of the school was 23rd November 1986. The school occupies the same premises it occupies today. The school had humble beginnings; its first batch of students numbered 600. The growth of the school matched the growth of the city till the school reached its maximum capacity.

Today almost 3,500 students study in the school in Morning and Afternoon shifts. True to its mission and the vision of the founding Principal, St. Michael’s Convent School caters to students from all walks of life living in different parts of Karachi. The love and passion of Bishop Lobo for imparting education at the highest standards and thus contributing to the building of Pakistan as a nation is shared by and is being continued by Mr. Peter A. Misquita and Ms. Seema Naiyer the school’s Principal and Deputy Principal. Admissions to the school are highly competitive yet needs blind. The number of students being admitted to the school each year is only limited by the school’s infrastructure capacity.
The school offers scholarships to students who qualify for admission in the school and belong to low-income families who cannot afford to educate them. The school also offers scholarships as an incentive for outstanding and exceptional educational performances and extracurricular activities. Each year about 250 students complete their early education from the school and move to their university education and nascent stages of their professional lives taking with them the rich, inclusive culture of the school and add to the school’s growing heritage and join the ever growing numbers and ranks of the school’s alumni, which as of 2019 numbered almost 22,000.

At our school, our core values form the foundation of everything we do. We believe in fostering a community built on integrity, respect, and inclusivity. Integrity is paramount, guiding us to always uphold honesty and accountability in all our endeavors. Respect is ingrained in our interactions, encouraging empathy, understanding, and appreciation for the diverse perspectives within our school family. Inclusivity ensures that every individual feels valued and supported, regardless of background or ability. These core values not only shape our academic environment but also prepare our students to become compassionate, responsible citizens in an ever-changing world.

Student Conduct, Discipline and Cleanliness:

  • Punctuality and daily attendance are strictly insisted upon.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, misconduct, misbehaviour, objectionable moral influence, disorderly or any unseemly conduct can also result in change of section.
  • Leave of absence will be given for serious reasons only. If a pupil is absent due to illness or any other reason, a letter from his/her parent or guardian testifying to the fact, must be given along with a medical certificate, if the student has been ill for more than two days.
  • ACTS OF VANDALISM OF SCHOOL PROPERTY, FURNITURE OR DISFIGURING OF SCHOOL UNIFORM ARE LIABLE TO SEVERE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. THE DECISION OF THE PRINCIPAL WILL BE FINAL. In case of any kind of damage to the premises of the school or furniture shall be recovered from those responsible for the damage.
  • Eating in Class, throwing objects, running, playing and shouting within the school building is strictly forbidden.
  • Ankle high shoes, coloured joggers, fancy belts, caps, hats, headbands, wristbands, dark glasses, chains, bracelets, rings, stickers, pin-on badges, nail polish, mehndi, friendship / “Mannat” bands or chains are strictly forbidden. Fancy watches are not allowed.
  • Fingernails should be kept short and clean. Hair should be kept short and neatly combed. Girls should keep their hair neatly tied with a black clip or black hairband only.
  • Boys are required to have a schoolboy haircut (Not touching the collar or falling on the forehead) and proper shave. Faded torn or un-ironed uniforms are not allowed.
  • Mobile phones are strictly prohibited. If found, these will be confiscated.
  • As the school upholds respect for lawful authority as a basic principle in education, any student taking part in a strike, procession or other public demonstration not countenanced by the school authorities will be dismissed forthwith. unseemly and rowdy celebrations such as the “last day of school” are strictly forbidden. The decision of the Principal in this regard will be final.
  • THE SCHOOL DOES NOT HOLD ITSELF RESPONSIBLE FOR INCIDENT WITH STUDENTS OUTSIDE ITS PREMISES OR AFTER SCHOOL IS OVER. Parents are advised to make arrangements to pick up their children as soon as the school is over.
  • No collection of funds for any purpose whatsoever may be started without the prior written permission of the Principal.
  • As St. Michael’s Convent School is registered as a Higher Secondary School under the Directorate of School Education, no college type of student union is allowed to be formed or function in this School.
  • Van matters should not be referred to the School. Parents are advised to coordinate with the respective van driver at their own end.

    Academic Expectations:
      • Parents are expected to see that their children prepare their lessons at home and study regularly. Students must bring their registers, books and stationery according to the daily timetable.
      • Parents are not permitted to do any corrections in the child’s exercise copies. If they have any suggestions/complaints, they must write the same in their child’s diary and request the child to show it to the concerned teacher. If there is no response, seek an appointment with the Deputy Principal.
      • Absenteeism from test and exam will disqualify the students (Grade VI onward) from acquiring class rank.
      • Promotions will be awarded at the end of the scholastic year by the Principal in consultation with the staff members. The promotion will be based on the yearly average.
      • A student who fails a second time in the same class will be asked to leave the School.
      • Any queries/complaints etc., regarding a student’s progress and behaviour must be given in writing directly to the Principal / Deputy Principal, and not to the class teachers.
      • Parents or visitors are not allowed to see their children or their class teacher while in class without the explicit prior permission of the Principal / Deputy Principal.
      • Fancy stationery items and trolley bags are not allowed. Stationery should be brought in a clear (transparent) pencil case.
      • The school authorities strongly discourage the indiscriminate engaging of private tutors. NO PRIVATE TUTOR SHOULD BE ENGAGED FROM THE SCHOOL WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PRINCIPAL / DEPUTY PRINCIPAL
      • Presents to members of the staff or demonstrations in their honour will require prior written sanction from the Principal.
      • Parents should keep a follow up of copies by signing the test index/indices.
      • Pupils suffering from a contagious, infectious disease shall not be permitted to attend school even if they have an examination or test till they are declared cured by a competent physician/school physician.

At St. Michael’s Convent School, we prioritize creating a safe, inclusive, and conducive learning environment for all students. To maintain order, promote respect, and ensure the well-being of everyone within our school community, the following rules and regulations have been established. These guidelines serve as a framework for responsible behavior, academic integrity, and positive social interactions, contributing to the overall success and harmony of our school community.


  • Registration Forms are given each year for admissions in Lower Nursery & Class I only in Morning Shift and for Lower Nursery and Classes I, II and III in the Afternoon Shift.
  • The original Birth Certificate and ‘B’ Form issued by Nadra along with a copy must be presented at the time of collecting the Registration Form.
  • A student selected for admission to class I and upwards must produce a Leaving Certificate from the school last attended after the admission is finalized.
  • The school only deals with parents or legal guardians of the child and not with any other parties at the time of admission and all other school matters.


      • Timing of Nursery Section:
       Monday – ThursdayFriday
      Morning Shift08:00 AM – 12:30 PM08:00 AM – 11:45 AM
      Afternoon Shift01:30 PM – 05:20 PM02:10 PM – 05:20 PM
      • Timing of Primary Section (I – V):
       Monday – ThursdayFriday
      Morning Shift07:35 AM – 01:00 PM07:35 AM – 12:00 PM
      Afternoon Shift01:30 PM – 05:35 PM02:10 PM – 05:30 PM
      • Timing of Lower Secondary (VI – VIII) & O Level (IX – XI):
       Monday – ThursdayFriday
      Lower Secondary
      07:35 AM – 01:15 PM07:35 AM – 11:55 AM
      O Level
      07:35 AM – 01:20 PM07:35 AM – 12:00 PM
      • Timing of A Level:Class timings shall be communicated to the students at the start of the academic year.
      • The main gate will close at 7:35 AM. Only Nursery students will be allowed to enter from Gate No. 5 near the Nurseries until 8:00 AM. After 08:00 a.m. Nursery students will also be marked late.
      • Gates will close at 7:35 a.m. for the Morning Shift & at 1:30 p.m. for the Afternoon Shift, Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school premises.
      • Any changes or variations in timings shall be communicated through the online portal. Parents and students are advised to regularly check the same.
      • Students should be regular and punctual to school. Less than 95% attendances considered as irregular.
      • If for any reason the child is absent, he/she should bring a written note of excuse the next day. It is the responsibility of the parents to see that the child completes his/her work once he/she resumes school.
      • Absence during an examination or test would result in zero.
      • Student(s) taking short leave for any reason will not be awarded with 100% attendance certificate(s).
      • Once a student comes to school, he/she shall not be allowed to go home during school hours unless a parent or someone with written authority comes personally to take him/her home in case of any emergency.
      • n case of a medical condition or any other circumstances, if the student is sent back home, his/her attendance will be affected. Furthermore, a medical certificate is to be submitted upon resuming school.


  • Absence from the whole examination or any subject will lead to a total loss of marks.
  • Nurseries have on-going assessments. Positions will not be awarded up to class V at the Primary Level.
  • During the year there will be tests at intervals, assessments and examinations. IN CASE OF ABSENCE NO RETEST/EXAM WILL BE GIVEN. The parents ought to keep themselves informed of the results of the tests and examinations and they are required to sign the report and also take notice of the remarks made therein from time to time.
  • Willful breach of any of the regulations of examination conduct is punishable with expulsion from the examination room or, if discovered subsequently, cancellation of the paper. The decision of the Principal in this regard will be final.
  • The results of the examination are final and cannot be reconsidered or reviewed.
  • Annual shuffling of students is a school policy. No request will be entertained in this regard.




Lower Nursery and Upper Nursery

Boys: White half sleeves Shirt with school monogram on the pocket. Red/Yellow/Green or Blue shorts.

Girls: White Shirt with school monogram on the pocket. Red/Yellow/Green or Blue skirts.

Classes: I – V

Boys: White half sleeves shirt with monogram, dark grey half-pants for classes I – III and dark grey trousers for classes IV & V, black belt with a plain buckle and school tie.

Girls: Grey knee-length Kameez with monogram without slits. Plain white shalwar or leggings (Tights or pyjamas are not allowed) White sash for class V.


Lower Nursery and Upper Nursery

Boys: White full sleeves shirt with monogram Red/Yellow/Green or Blue trousers. Maroon sweater with grey stripes on the sleeves and on the neck. Maroon cap & gloves (if required)

Girls: White half sleeves shirt with monogram Red/Yellow/Green or Blue skirts. White skin-tight leggings (no pyjamas or shalwars). Maroon sweater with grey stripes (front open) Maroon cap & gloves (if required)

Classes: I – V

Boys: White full sleeves shirt with monogram, grey trousers, school tie, black belt with plain buckle. maroon coat/sweater with grey stripes on the sleeves & neck. Maroon cap & gloves (if required).

Girls: Grey Knee-length kameez with monogram, without slits. Plain white shalwar for class IV-V (Tights/pyjamas are not allowed) Maroon sweater with grey stripes (front open) Maroon cap & gloves (if required)

Socks and shoes (Classes: L/N-V)

Haircut and accessories (Classes: L/N-V)

Black shoes with a simple buckle/stick-on/laces. (Joggers are not allowed). Plain white socks knee length. White tennis shoes for sports period

Boys should be in proper schoolboy haircut above the collar level (no fancy style).

Girls to use black pony-tail or black hair bands, (no fancy clips or accessories). Two plaits will be encouraged, no gold earrings, small studs are allowed. Fancy accessories and watches are not allowed.


Boys: White full sleeves shirt with monogram, dark grey trousers, school tie and Maroon coat or maroon sweater with grey stripes on the sleeves and on the neck in winter.

In summers, white half sleeves shirt with monogram, school tie & dark grey trousers.

Girls: Grey Knee-length Kameez with monogram Maroon collar piping on sleeves. Plain white shalwar, plain white dupatta/sash. Black hairband, black shoes (Joggers are not allowed), Plain white socks, White tennis shoes for sports period. Maroon sweater with grey stripes (front open) in winter.

  • All Students coming to school for library and extra classes during vacations must come in proper uniform, otherwise, they will not be allowed inside the school premises.


  • Fee can be paid either at the counter on one of Faysal Bank’s branches or through the facility of Kuickpay. The fee paid through Kuickpay shall be charged in accordance with their schedule of charges.
  • Evidence of the payment (parent’s copy stamped by the bank or Kuickpay partners or screenshot of payment confirmation) must be retained and preserved. Any liability arising from the failure to do so shall be of the parent.
  • If the fee is not paid by or before the due date it shall become overdue.
  • The School may remind the parents who have not paid the fee by the due date by stamping the student’s diary or sending an email or text message or by calling the parent(s).
  • Students whose fee is overdue shall not be allowed to sit in class and their access to the portal and student account shall be suspended till the dues are cleared.
  • Fee default shall occur if the fee remains unpaid for a period of 30 days after the due date.
  • The School at its discretion may cancel the admission of fee defaulters.
  • The parent’s copy of the fee slip will be signed and stamped by the bank 
  • and returned to the parent, immediately after payment is made. All liabilities consequent on departure from this rule shall be those of the parent.
  • Students appearing for their O Level or A Level exam(s) will have to clear all the dues before they obtain their Admit Cards / Statement of Entries or permission to take the exam.


  • The intended withdrawal of a student should be notified in writing by parents/guardians, one month in advance, or one month’s fee will be charged in lieu of the notice.
  • Any student, absent from school for one calendar month without a letter explaining his/her absence will be liable to be struck off the roll. Such a student may be re-admitted later, if there is a vacancy, on payment of a fresh admission fee.
  • A Leaving Certificate will not be issued until all the school dues are paid.
  • A pupil applying for a Leaving Certificate before the summer vacation will have to clear his/her dues for the vacation months as well.
  • Students who want to withdraw from school just before the summer vacation will have to clear their dues for the vacation months as well if a Leaving Certificate is to be acquired.

Personal Hygiene:

  • Students having nits and lice will not be allowed to attend school till the problem is completely resolved.
  • Head hygiene defaulters will not be considered for class merit certificate, rank or positions.
  • Persistent head hygiene issue would lead to suspension from school till the clearance is given by the school medical department.
  • Monthly conduct grade will be affected due to head hygiene default.


  • Students are responsible for the apparatus being used by them in the laboratory. Any apparatus missing or broken after the practical, will be the sole responsibility of the class or student who will have to restore the damage by paying the cost of the apparatus. The decision of the Principal will be final.


  • The library will be open till 3:00 p.m. on all school days and till 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays, summer holidays and winter vacations except public holidays and other holidays as notified by the Government from time to time. Students may avail this facility.
  • Books from the library must be returned by the due date. If a book is required for a longer period, an extension has to be acquired from the Librarian only if it is not needed by someone else.
  • Damage to a book will be penalized with a fine amounting to the cost of the book, or replacement. The decision of the librarian and / or the Principal will be final.
  • Students are forbidden to write any remarks in a book or to underline words. Any mutilation or scribbling will be penalized with a fine as may be imposed by the librarian and / or the Principal.


  • The School Doctor & Nurse are available for first aid and emergency medical examination of the student. The school will, however, not be liable for any accident and / or mishap.

Railway/Air Concession Forms:

  • To obtain Railway Concession Forms the Parent / Guardian needs to submit a written request to the School for a letter. The request must state the travel destination/station in Pakistan and date(s) of travel. The letter issued by the School is to be submitted at the Railway Booking Office for obtaining Railway Concession Form.
  • Air concession forms are available with the PIA reservation and booking offices. Parents requiring the same are requested to collect them and have the same filled out before submitting the same to the School. The School will verify, sign and return the form.


  • Nursery, Class I & II students are given identification/collection Cards at the beginning of the academic year which must be presented/shown when collecting your child at home time. In case of losing the collection card, get a duplicate issued immediately.
  • After collecting the duplicate collection card, the original card will be confiscated if found or presented by any bearer.


  • Student ID cards will be issued at the beginning of each academic year and will be valid for the period only for which forms are circulated before the closing of the session.
  • Information filled in the ID card form should be current and valid.
  • Guardian’s name and number are required for contacting the particular person in case of unavailability of parent(s) or in case the parent(s) is/are unreachable.
  • Wearing of Identity Card/Name Tag daily is compulsory.
  • Kindly ensure that your child comes to school with all the necessary supplies/items for the day. Delivery of food items, water bottles, books etc. will not be accepted by the reception for delivery to classroom due to security concerns.
  • The school telephone is available to students only in cases of EMERGENCY.
  • The School can be contacted over email. For a full list of email addresses of relevant departments / heads, please visit the Contact section on the school’s website.


  • The School at its discretion may amend or add new rule(s) as and when deemed necessary or expedient, with or without notice, either prospectively or retrospectively.

At St. Michael’s Convent School, we believe in providing a comprehensive and enriching educational experience that prepares students for success in a rapidly changing world. Our curriculum and academic philosophy are grounded in principles of academic excellence, critical thinking, and holistic development. Through a rigorous and innovative curriculum, we aim to inspire a love for learning, foster intellectual curiosity, and empower students to become lifelong learners and responsible global citizens.

  1. Holistic Development:

    • We recognize the importance of nurturing the whole child, encompassing their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical well-being.
    • Our curriculum integrates academic subjects with opportunities for artistic expression, physical activity, and character development, ensuring a well-rounded education.

  2. Student-Centered Learning:

    • We believe in a student-centered approach to learning that emphasizes active engagement, inquiry-based learning, and hands-on experiences.
    • Our educators serve as facilitators and mentors, guiding students in exploring their interests, passions, and talents while fostering independence and self-direction.

  3. Rigorous Academic Standards:

    • Our curriculum is aligned with rigorous academic standards and benchmarks to ensure that students acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for college and career readiness.
    • We strive for academic excellence by challenging students to think critically, solve complex problems, and communicate effectively across disciplines.

  4. Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility:

    • We instill in students a sense of social responsibility, ethical leadership, and cultural awareness, preparing them to contribute positively to their communities and the world.
    • Our curriculum includes opportunities for service-learning, community engagement, and cross-cultural experiences to foster empathy, compassion, and respect for diversity.

  5. Continuous Improvement:

    • We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation in curriculum design, pedagogy, and assessment practices.
    • Through ongoing reflection, data analysis, and professional development, we strive to adapt and evolve our curriculum to meet the changing needs of students and society.

Recently, a prestigious alumni of St-Michaels Convent School from the batch of 1998, Ali Manzoor, raised awareness of Cyber Bullying by conducting sessions for the secondary Classes.

In today’s social media-driven world, many students face the harsh realities of cyberbullying and harassment, which can negatively impact their mental health and overall well-being. If you’re feeling isolated or overwhelmed, know that you are not alone and that there is hope and support available for you.

St. Michael’s Convent School, along with Ali Manzoor, want to ensure that every student feels heard and safe, and this could be done through the Madadgar Helpline which was created specifically to address the rising issues of cyberbullying. Our dedicated team is here to listen to your story, help you understand your feelings, and take the necessary steps to protect you.

Your safety is our first priority even if the person bullying you is a peer or younger, we are committed to taking action to ensure you feel secure. We invite you to reach out, share your experiences, and trust us with your protection and story—your identity will always be protected.

Together, let’s create a nurturing and understanding environment for you and future generations. We believe everyone deserves to grow up free from fear and judgment. You are not just a victim; you are valued, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

To all the victims: don’t suffer in silence—seek help by contacting Madadgar at: Phone: (021) 99218750
Email: info@sesdsindhpolice.gos.pk


School Song

School Song


Let our voices resound
Let our voices ring clear
As we sing our school song today
Let our hearts be aflame
With the passion to learn
Which will help us along our life’s way
May our spirits be held
In God’s guiding hand
As He shows us His loving care
May we learn to resist
All evil and sin
And find hope and strength everywhere
May God send His blessings
And hear all our prayers
Protect us from sorrow and fear
May we learn how to use
Our knowledge for all
And value the chance to be here
Let us sing now together
in the city we love
for the country we live to build
Use our talent and time
For the  good of mankind
Let us sing loud and clear
Rejoice we are here
At. St. Michael’s Convent School


Number Speaks

3 0 +
0 +